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Asteros Advisers Ltd was established in April 2019, comprised of the former infrastructure advisory team of BDO LLP Accountants & Business Advisers. Since its formation, Asteros Advisers has successfully provided support to HNIP under sub-contract from BDO. Having met the crtieria for doing so, Triple Point, BEIS and BDO LLP consented to the release of BDO and appointment of Asteros Advisers as a key sub-contractor to Triple Point by way of a novation.

Ken Hunnisett, of Triple Point said:

“The Asteros team have been integral members of the Delivery Partner group from the very beginning and have been fundamental to the success of HNIP since the scheme’s launch. We’re proud to be contracting with them directly in their new venture and thrilled to be able to shine a light on their achievements over the last year.”


Simon Carman of Asteros said:

“We’re delighted to have been appointed to continue the role we’ve successfully been delivering. We are committed to promoting and developing a sustainable market for Heat Networks in the UK with the wider team and we look forward to continuing the excellent work”

Asteros Advisers Ltd deliver infrastructure projects across a range of sectors including new energy, health, housing, education, waste, transport, leisure, emergency services and defence. The team have individually advised on private/project finance for public sector infrastructure and Public Private Partnerships (PPP) for over 20 years and have worked together for more than 10 years delivering projects that have enhanced public sector services across the UK.

Note to editors

Asteros Advisers Ltd is a new advisory business established in March 2019 by the former senior members of BDO LLP’s infrastructure advisory team.

Asteros Advisers Ltd

Asteros Advisers Ltd deliver government and infrastructure advisory services. Core services include:

  • Production of Treasury compliant business cases (SOC/OBC/FBC), options appraisals and feasibility studies to support investment decision making
  • Procurement and commercial advisory support on project structuring
  • Negotiation support and commercial strategy
  • Joint Ventures, Strategic Estate Partnerships and Local Asset Backed Vehicles
  • Secondary market sales and refinancing of projects
  • Market testing reviews of existing projects and achieving operational efficiency savings
  • Bid strategies, bid qualification and affordability/value for money assessments
  • Financial model build and data book preparation/validation
  • Funding competitions and Project Information Memoranda
  • Bid preparation including performance and payment mechanism
  • Bid evaluation and selection of a preferred bidder
  • Grant due diligence and funding reviews
  • Accounting and tax advice in relation to project structures


Asteros Advisers Ltd
Tel: +44 (0) 20 3457 0879

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