Unlock Your Heat Network Scheme

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Heat Networks have been proven around the world as a reliable, cost-effective and low carbon means of heat yet just 2% of buildings are heating this way in the UK. Using a mix of Government and private sector funding, Triple Point Heat Networks Investment Management will help to build a self-sustaining and transformative heat energy market which offers affordable and reliable heat.

About The Green Heat Network Fund (GHNF)

The Green Heat Network Fund (GHNF) is a capital grant fund that will support:

  • the commercialisation and construction of new low and zero carbon (LZC) heat networks (including the supply of cooling)
  • the retrofitting and expansion of existing heat networks

It aims to develop and grow the heat network market and to address some of the challenges of decarbonising the UK’s heat sector. Find out more about heat networks.


The GHNF is open to applicants from organisations in the public, private and third sectors who are responsible for the development of heating and cooling networks in England, that:

  • meet the initial GHNF gated metrics covering the carbon intensity of heat delivered, consumer detriment, the minimum annual heat energy demand and the scheme’s social IRR
  • are able to provide all supporting documentation
  • are legal entities (such as companies or organisations). Public sector organisations such as NHS Trusts and other governmental departments may also apply. Please Note: Individuals, households and sole traders cannot apply to the fund


The GHNF was launched in 2022 for applications. Applicants are now able to apply for funding that could be drawn down in financial years 2023/24 through to 2026/27.


About the Heat Networks Investment Project (HNIP)

The Heat Networks Investment Project is now closed for applications. The HNIP was a government funding programme that aimed to:

  • increase the number of heat networks being built
  • deliver carbon savings
  • help create the conditions necessary for a sustainable heat network market to develop

Details of the projects that have been awarded HNIP funding are available here.

Read our HNIP case studies here.


The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero has established a Dynamic Purchasing System (“DPS”) for heat networks – BHIVE. BHIVE will allow public sector heat network owners/developers in England and Wales to procure funding and funding-related services for their heat network projects from a range of potential funders. Find out more here.

What is a Heat Network?

Heat networks (sometimes referred to as district heating) are a distribution system that takes heat from a centralised source and delivers it to a number of different buildings. These heat networks also form an important part of the Government’s plan in the future of low carbon heat, in particular in cities and high-density areas. Heat networks can decarbonise more easily compared to most other heat sources because new technologies can be added to the system with little disruption to individual householders. They provide a unique opportunity to exploit larger scale, renewable and recovered heat sources that can’t be accessed at an individual building level. Heat networks also provide system benefits such as thermal storage and reducing the energy demand of the grid at peak times. It is estimated by the Committee on Climate Change that around 18% of UK heat will need to come from heat networks by 2050 if the UK is to meet its carbon targets cost-effectively. The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero expect that heat networks will have a strong role to play in delivering low carbon heat to homes in future.

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